1. 綜合咖哩粉(masala or curry powder):40~50克可酌量增減 (咖哩風味會因咖哩粉而有所不同)
2. 洋蔥(onion): 1/4顆,切成丁狀(似正方形)
3. 大蒜 (garlic):1把
4. 細香蔥/蔥(chive/ green onion):2根
5. 辣椒(水)pepper: 酌量,或新鮮辣椒數根
6. 橄欖油(olive oil): 2茶匙
7. 馬鈴薯(potato):中型4~6顆
8. 孜然/小茴香粉(cumin powder):20克可酌量增減
9. 雞肉/牛肉(chicken):雞胸1大片,或牛肉耐燉部位(豬肉亦可)
10. 番茄 (tomato):中偏小型 4~5顆酌量增減
1. 備肉
[Meat preparation]
Remove the bones, skin and as much fat as you can from the chicken. It's best to cut the meat into small pieces so it can take the flavour.
2. 醃肉
Put the sliced meat into a bowl and add one level tablespoon or more of pepper sauce, about two heaping tablespoons of curry powder and a little less cumin than curry. If you prefer the taste of fresh peppers, you may substitute the chopped peppers for pepper sauce, in which case use more flavour peppers which have more taste with less heat.
3. 調味
Finely chop about four pegs of garlic, a quarter of an onion and some green onion. You'll want about a handful of chopped green onion. Cut the tomato into large chunks. You may add other seasoning; try to aim for darker flavours. Mix all of these ingredients until the chicken is covered with a sticky paste of curry and the other ingredients. Let that sit for about a half hour.
Cut your potatoes.
5.熱鍋並倒入橄欖油,與此同時備妥4~5瓣大蒜。待油熱將大蒜丟入,(可先用手將大蒜壓碎,,或是將切片後的大蒜放入鍋中後壓碾出汁)炒至金棕色[getting the pot ready]
Add some oil to the pot and as you wait for it to heat up, peel about 4/5 pcs of garlic. Use your palm to crush/crack the garlic on the kitchen counter to help release the juices. Alternatively you can slice the garlic into halves. Once the oil is hot, put the garlic in the oil to brown. What you're doing at this point is frying the garlic to release the garlic flavour into the oil. Wait until the garlic is brown.
6.在油中放入兩平匙克咖哩粉 (20~30克)及10~15克小茴香粉,並來回攪拌,使鍋中的混合物越來越濃稠,將火轉小,讓咖哩慢慢煮成棕色。此步驟是要使咖哩粉在油中拌炒後去掉咖哩粉的生味。要注意鍋中咖哩顏色從黃轉到金棕色的變化。
[currying the pot]
Add another two heaping tablespoons of curry and cumin powder. Swish it around so that it forms a thick slurry/paste in the pot. You might want to turn the heat down a bit because this will burn quickly. Watch for a colour change. The aim is to let the curry cook in the oil to get rid of that raw curry taste. You'll know it's ready when the colour isn't so yellow, but starts to look more golden brown.
[Time to cook the meat]
At this point turn the heat down to low and add the meat. Let it cook on low. Do not add water. It will spring its own juices. Stir regularly so that the bottom does not burn.
[the potatoes]
When there is enough liquid in the pot, it is time to add the potatoes.
The potatoes will absorb moisture as they cook, so you will need to salt the pot before this starts happening. Taste some of the sauce and decide how much salt it needs. Potatoes tend to kill the saltiness, so If you end up with too much salt, just add more potatoes. When the potatoes are finished cooking, it's ready to serve.