**a tastier version of an everyday food
1. 棒棒腿:1斤半: (drumstick: 900 gram)
2. 青蔥:一大把 (Green onion (a big bunch))
3. 洋蔥:一大顆 (1 large onion)
4. 青椒:中~大型一顆視肉量決定(large/medium green peppers depends on how much chicken you use)
醃料(dusting material)&調味料(seasoning)
1. 大蒜:6~7瓣(6~7 medium size garlic)
2. 黑胡椒粉: black pepper
3. 鹽salt
4. 白醋, 烏醋 (white vinegar and black(Worcestershire) vinegar )
5. 迷迭香(rosemary)
6. 百里香(thyme)
7. 綜合咖哩粉curry powder
8. 孜然(或稱小茴香)(cumin)
9. 玉米粉(corn starch) ( 效果比麵粉更好it works better than flour).
1. 整把的蔥切段(約0.5cm)
2. 青椒順其形狀切成0.5cm條狀,不要太長
3. 洋蔥切成丁狀
4. 大蒜切碎備用
Begin by finely dicing the green onions. The whole bunch, see the picture below. Next chop up one and a half green peppers and a whole onion. Crush about six or seven (if they're not too big) pegs of garlic then chip it into tiny pieces – garlic is your friend, don't be afraid. Set all of these aside for later. Next prep the chicken.
醃肉Meat prep/marinate:
You'll want to use small drumsticks. No need to remove the skin. If you fry it dry enough it will be even better.
1. 用清水清洗一下後,將雞肉放進容器中,再倒入白醋,用手將白醋與雞肉稍微抓一下約1分鐘左右,以消除雞肉的腥味,之後再將白醋倒出。若不希望醋的味道殘留在雞肉上的畫,這時再用清水洗一次雞肉。若是使用萊姆汁來進行這個步驟的話,那建議要將萊姆汁沖掉。
Put the chicken in a bowl and pour in some white vinegar. Wash/slosh around the chicken in the vinegar for about a minute or so, then drain it. You may need to rinse the vinegar off of the chicken if you don't want the acidic taste to linger. If you're using lime instead of vinegar for this step, RINSE.
2.接著加入1茶匙(約5g)的綜合咖哩粉、1茶匙(約5g)的孜然粉 (這兩樣也可以多放一些)
Next, drop a teaspoon of curry into the bowl. Do the same for cumin. It's okay to add a little more of those two.
Add a teaspoon and some of black pepper.
Now sprinkle rosemary and thyme onto the chicken.
Roll/mix everything together in the bowl and what you end up with should look something like this:
1. 開大火,加入高冒煙點的油品
Put the fire on high, then use some of your favourite (high smoke point) oil to grease the pot.
2. 將剛剛處理好的洋蔥、青椒、大蒜、青蔥等通通下鍋,炒至洋蔥轉為透明
Dump the onions and the other chopped ingredients into the pot and keep stirring until the onions start to turn transparent.
3. 此時將火轉小,加入剛剛的雞肉,繼續炒&悶。待鍋內的蔬菜出水後再來加鹽調味。這時的調味或加不加水稀釋都取決於個人的口味
At that point turn the heat down to low and add the chicken. Let this cook in its own juices for a while. Salt it when there's enough liquid in the pot. You may add water later on, and adjust the flavour by adding more pepper or black vinegar according to your taste buds.
4. 當雞肉熟透後,關火將棒棒腿挑出來,讓肉稍微涼一下之後再來進行最後的步驟。
Once the chicken is cooked turn off the fire and let it cool down a bit because you'll need to use your hands.
** the leftover sauce from the pre-cooking step is still useful. You may put it on rice or pasta as a gravy, or use it to cook something else. No need to throw it away.**
The final step is to roll the drumsticks in corn starch (shake off the excess) and then pan fry the whole batch.
Try to get it nice and crispy brown. If the chicken turns dark brown very fast, that's okay. The chicken isn't burning yet. The corn starch just turns brown faster than flour would.
1. 並準備一些玉米粉。用玉米粉來裹雞肉
2. 設定180度C,10分鐘(10~12分鐘,依肉塊大小判別)