1. 下次如果覺得自己了不起時, 試試行在水上。

If you think you are so great, try walk on the water.

2. 當撒旦提起你的過去時, 請提醒牠的未來。

If Satan mentioned about your past, remind him his future.

3. 你不是幸運, 是蒙福。

You are not lucky, you are blessed.

4. 若想要真正活著, 得先徹底死去。

If you really want to live, you have to die thoroughly first.

5. 機會也許只敲一次門, 但試探卻總是在按門鈴。

Opportunity might knock only once, yet temptation is always pressing the doorbell.

6. 我們常在強壯時, 忘了神。

When we are strong, we always forget about our God.

7. 那些只在星期天呼喚”天父”的人, 在一星期餘下的日子裡活得像孤兒。

Those who only call upon “Heavenly Father” on Sunday, the rest of the week, they are like orphans.

8. 不要以自我為中心, 要以基督為中心。

Do not focus on yourself, focus on Christ.

9. 沒有基督, 沒有平安; 認識基督, 得到平安。

No Christ, no peace; know Christ, know peace

10. 為什麼我們不常向朋友提起神?因為我們不常向神提起我們的朋友。

Why we seldom mention to our friends about God? because we seldom tell God about our friends.

11. 當把你的一切獻給基督, 因為祂把祂的一切都給了你。

You should give everything of yours to Christ as He gave you everything He has already .

12. 你現在所追求的, 值得基督為它死嗎?

What you want to own, worth Christ to die for it?

13. 使你向神靠近的人, 是你真正的朋友。

Those who lead you toward God, are your real friends.

14. 神愛我們, 不是因為我們是怎樣一個人, 而是因為祂是怎樣一位神。

God loves us, not because what kind of people we are, but He is that kind of God.

15. 神的應許像夜空裡的星星。夜越深,星星的光芒越亮。

God’s promises are like the stars in the sky, the darker the night is, the more shine the stars are.

16. 沒有基督的生命, 是無望的盡頭。有基督的生命,是無盡的盼望。

A life without Christ is no hope. A life with Christ has hope without ending

17. 我雖不知道未來掌管著什麼, 但我知道誰掌管著未來。

Although I do not know what future will handle. But I do know who is handling the future.

18. 把你的重擔交給主, 讓它留在主那裡。

Give your burden to Lord & leave it there with Him.

19. 不要畏懼明天, 因為神已在那裡。

Do not be afraid of Tomorrow, because God is already there.

20. 當你除了神, 一無所有時, 你將知道神就是你全部的需要。

If you have nothing else besides God, then you will know God is all you need.

21. 放手交給神, 別再向神講述你的風暴有多大, 當向風暴講述你的神有多大。

Do not tell God how big is your problem, just leave it to Him. Do tell your problem how great is your God.

22. 能夠滿足人心的, 是造人心的那一位。

The only one who can satisfy your heart is the one who created it.

23. 請常常保持著你心裡的光, 因為你不知道, 誰會藉著這光走出黑暗。

Please keep the light in your heart, because you do not know who will use this light to get out of the darkness.

24. 當我們只顧工作的時候, 我們獨自工作; 當我們禱告的時候, 神工作。

If we care only about work, we work ourselves alone. When we start praying, God works

25. 神無所不在, 所以我們可以隨處禱告。

God is everywhere, so we can pray everywhere, anywhere.

26. 一個沒有需要的人永遠見不到神蹟。

If one has no need, he will never see miracle.

27. 敬拜提醒我們生命的價值, 但世界卻使我們忘記它。

Worship remind us the value of our life, yet the world let us forget about it.

詳全文: http://www.luke54.org/view/34/3160.html#ixzz3nwMHzLM8

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